
Pandora2D will check if the requested steps sequencing is correct following the permitted transition defined by the Pandora2D Machine (transitions)

Pandora2D Machine defines 3 possible states:
  • begin

  • cost_volumes

  • disparity_maps

and 3 transitions, each one corresponding to a step described in Step by step chapter:

Pandora2D machine starts at the begin state. To go from one state to another one, transitions are called and triggered by specific name. It corresponds to the name of Pandora2D steps you can write in configuration file.

The following diagram highligts all states and possible transitions.


If you want to understand in more details how Pandora2D machine works, please consult our Pandora machine state tutorial notebook.


SSD measurement with refinement step disparity maps

Configuration to produce a disparity map, computed by the SSD method, and refined by the interpolation method.

        "left": {
            "img": "img_left.png"
        "right": {
            "img": "img_left.png"
        "col_disparity": [-2, 2],
        "row_disparity": [-2, 2]
            "matching_cost_method": "ssd",
            "window_size": 5,
            "disparity_method": "wta",
            "invalid_disparity": "NaN"
            "refinement_method": "interpolation"