

The following interactive diagram highlights all steps available in Pandora2D.

../_images/inputs.png ../_images/arrow.png ../_images/mc_step.png ../_images/arrow.png ../_images/dp_step.png ../_images/arrow.png ../_images/refi_step.png ../_images/arrow.png ../_images/outputs.png forced line break,


  • Dark red blocks represent mandatory steps.

  • Pink blocks represent optional steps.

Configuration file

The configuration file provides a list of parameters to Pandora2D so that the processing pipeline can run according to the parameters chosen by the user.

Pandora2D works with JSON formatted data with the following nested structures.

    "input" :
        // input content
        // ROI content
    "pipeline" :
        // pipeline content

All configuration parameters are described in Inputs, Region of interest and Step by step chapters.


  1. Install

pip install pandora2d
  1. Create a configuration file

  "input": {
    "left": {
        "img": "./data/left.tif",
        "nodata": -9999
    "right": {
        "img": "./data/right.tif",
        "nodata": -9999
    "col_disparity": [-2, 2],
    "row_disparity": [-2, 2]
  "pipeline": {
    "matching_cost": {
      "matching_cost_method": "sad",
      "window_size": 5
    "disparity": {
      "disparity_method": "wta",
      "invalid_disparity": -999
    "refinement": {
      "refinement_method": "interpolation"
  1. Run Pandora2D

pandora2d ./config.json output/