How do I use a step parameter in the matching cost computation?

A notebook showing the use of the step parameter and Region Of Interest (ROI) is available:

It is possible to add a step parameter in the configuration file. This parameter ensures that not all pixels are calculated during the matching cost computation.

user_cfg = {
    "input": {
        "img_left": img_left_path,
        "img_right": img_right_path,
        "nodata_left": "NaN",
        "nodata_right": "NaN",
        "col_disparity": [-3, 3],
        "row_disparity": [-3, 3],
        "matching_cost" : {
            "matching_cost_method": "zncc",
            "window_size": 7,
            "step" : [5,5]
        "disparity": {
            "disparity_method": "wta",
            "invalid_disparity": -9999
        "refinement" : {
            "refinement_method" : "interpolation"

How do I choose to process only a certain part of the image?

A notebook showing the use of the step parameter and Region Of Interest (ROI) is available:

It is possible to work on only one section of the image with an ROI. For this, the user can specify the area he wants in the configuration file.

user_cfg = {
    "input": {
        "img_left": img_left_path,
        "img_right": img_right_path,
        "nodata_left": "NaN",
        "nodata_right": "NaN",
        "col_disparity": [-3, 3],
        "row_disparity": [-3, 3],
        "col": {"first": 10, "last": 100},
        "row": {"first": 10, "last": 100}
        "matching_cost" : {
            "matching_cost_method": "zncc",
            "window_size": 7,
        "disparity": {
            "disparity_method": "wta",
            "invalid_disparity": -9999
        "refinement" : {
            "refinement_method" : "interpolation"
user_cfg["ROI"]["margins"] = pandora2d_machine.global_margins.astuple()
roi = get_roi_processing(user_cfg["ROI"], user_cfg["input"]["col_disparity"], user_cfg["input"]["row_disparity"])
img_left = create_dataset_from_inputs(input_config=input_config["left"], roi=roi)
img_right = create_dataset_from_inputs(input_config=input_config["right"], roi=roi)